Country Charm Chihuahuas wants to remind everyone to be safe and know our thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones during these uncertain times, and like so many, we have heavy hearts as we hear each day about the impacts COVID-19 is having on our communities.
We, here at Country Charm Chihuahuas, continue to monitor this situation closely and wanted to take a moment to summarize some of the things we are doing to keep our customers, new and past, associates, friends, and family safe. First, we would like to send a BIG "Thank-You" to our show handler Andrea Carter for the impressive work she has done showing our first show male bread by us "CH. Country Charms Risky Business", to our professional and trusted Puppy Nanny for continuing to deliver our puppies safely as long as the travel-ways are still functioning, to our vet staffs that we use to keep all of our dogs and puppies in the best if health, and to all of our Facebook friends that keep us in the loops of all things Chihuahua. We understand that some of our unessential services have been shut down due to COVID-19, however, know we are still utilizing all services that are still available to us.
With social media access thru Facebook, we normally have little face to face interaction with our customers and friends all around the world, however, know it’s important for you to feel comfortable in getting puppies as well as getting the help you need. Therefore, in addition to our high level cleaning structure already imposed, we have increased the frequency of cleaning and sanitation efforts in our home to help insure the safety and health of our dogs and puppies as well as our customers. While COVID-19 has had a little effect, we still maintain most of our standard business practices, although, for the safety of ourselves, our dogs, and puppies, we are limiting face to face visits at this time. We are allowing "curbside discussion" and "curbside puppy pick-up/delivery/viewing" but direct access to our dogs and puppies is restricted. Know this: We are there and will still be there for you to meet your needs to the best of our ability throughout this crisis.
These are just some examples of steps we’re taking to do our part to help you, our friends and customers, get through this difficult time.
Thank you
Jason and Tamera Lee
Country Charm Chihuahuas